Monday, November 12, 2007

November 2007 Protea Newsletter

Your November 2007 issue is now available at November 2007 Newsletter.

If you missed any previous issues of the “Proteaceae 101” newsletter,
please visit this page our Protea Tips and News page.

Thank you for being patient during our web site upgrade.
You may look at it and say “It looks the same as
before”. Well, it does. Our redesign was not cosmetic,
but improvements were made behind the scenes. Our parent
company, Protea Media Management, launched a Search Engine
Optimization project to attract more Protea-lovers to
DiscoverProtea. We also launched, a site designed
entirely in Flash (Flash technology has become a popular method for
adding animation and interactivity to web pages).

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of methodologies
aimed at improving the ranking of web sites in the search
engine listings. In order for a web site to be relevant to
its users (display the information they are looking for),
you need three elements to be present: a solid business
strategy, excellent design management skills and keeping up
with the latest technology. If you are successful in
achieving the above, the search engines will see your
content as relevant and display your web site to searchers
looking for your products or information. We are confident
we are meeting the needs of our customers.

Thanksgiving shipping schedule

Thanksgiving is a time of celebration, a time to share in
nature’s beauty, share in the season’s rich colors,
and, most importantly, enjoy the company and affection of
our friends and loved ones. Bring some of the fall’s
brilliance indoors with a Protea Bouquet that embraces the
many colors of the turning leaves and, of course, the
unmistakable uniqueness and beauty of Proteas. Please place
your Thanksgiving orders before Sunday November 18th to
ensure a timely delivery. Order your Thanksgiving Protea
Bouquets here

Topic of the month…Meet the Proteas of Hawaii

“In the plant kingdom, there is nothing quite like the
exuberant and resourceful family of flowering shrubs known
as the proteas. During the past few decades, the
flower-friendly Hawaiian islands have given this
Southern-Hemisphere group a new and particularly favorable
home. Hawaii’s proteas are new—and they are the flowers
of the future”. Read more about this fascinating book here.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, from all of us at DiscoverProtea.

Best regards;

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